Geneva Illinois Chamber of Commerce
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Offer Valid: 08/16/2024 - 09/16/2024
SEO is Hard When You DIY

Have you ever started writing a blog post with the best intentions, only to get sidetracked by the daily grind of running your business?

You think of a topic, start a draft, and then boom – fires to put out, orders to fulfill, emails to answer.

Before you know it, months have passed, your blog is outdated, and your competition is zooming past you in the SEO race.

Let's put an end to that.

Instead of another SEO person talking about how awesome they are, how about I prove it?

Simply schedule a time to chat, and we'll choose a page on your website that could use some TLC.

Then, I'll send step-by-step instructions on edits I'd make to boost your rankings.

Once you've made the changes, let's keep tabs on them and catch up in three weeks to discuss the results.

What do you think? 

This Offers and Events from Geneva Chamber Members is promoted by Geneva Chamber of Commerce.