Presenting Sponsor of the Geneva Christmas Walk and Holiday House Tour-SOLD
-Business name listed as sponsor in press releases
-Banner on stage of Christmas Walk
-1/2 page ad in Shaw Media’s Special Section (5,150 printed)
-1/2 page ad in Shaw Media’s email -Sponsorship announced onstage
-Logo will be on the Shaw Media special section sponsor page(5,150 printed)
-Business name listed in Holiday House Tour ticket
-Logo with link to website on Christmas Walk/House tour page on website (21,400 visits in2024)
-Social media mentions up to and during the event
Great Tree Sponsorship-SOLD
-Sign with logo and QR code near the "Great Tree"
-Logo on banner on stage of Christmas Walk
-Opportunity to speak on stage on Christmas Walk night
-1/2 page ad in Shaw Media’s Special Section (5,150 printed)
-1/2 page ad in Shaw Media’s email -Sponsorship announced onstage
-Logo will be on the Shaw Media special section sponsor page(5,150 printed)
-Logo with link to website on Christmas Walk/House tour page on website (21,400 visits in2024)
-Social media mentions up to and during the event
Inspiration of "Hope" Sponsor
-Sign with logo and QR code by "Hope" sign
-Banner on stage of Christmas Walk
-1/2 page ad in Shaw Media’s Special Section (5,150 printed)
-1/2 page ad in Shaw Media’s email -Sponsorship announced onstage
-Logo will be on the Shaw Media special section sponsor page(5,150 printed)
-Logo with link to website on Christmas Walk/House tour page on website (21,400 visits in2024)
-Social media mentions up to and during the event
Santa's Little Helpers Sponsor
-Decal with business name and QR code on window of Santa's workshop
-Logo will be on the Shaw Media special section sponsor page(5,150 printed)
-Logo with link to website on Christmas Walk/House tour page on website (21,400 visits in2024)
-Ornament with business name on Santa's Christmas tree
-Social media mentions up to and during the event
Co-House Sponsor
-Signs at event with QR code and logo
-Logo will be in the Shaw Media special section
-Business name listed in the holiday house tour ticket
-Logo with link to website on the holiday house tour page on
-Social media mentions up to and during the event
Holiday Music Sponsor
-Signs with logo and QR code on the courthouse lawn the month of December
-Logo on banner in Christmas Walk stage
-Logo in the Shaw Media special section
-Option to put item in the swag bag
-Logo on the Christmas Walk/House Tour page on
-Social media mentions up to and during the event
Santa Workshop Sponsor-SOLD
-Banner on stage of Christmas Walk
-Sign with logo in Santa's workshop
-Provide goodie bags with promotional items
-Logo will be on the Shaw Media special section sponsor page(5,150 printed)
-Logo with link to website on Christmas Walk/House tour page on website (21,400 visits in2024)
-Social media mentions up to and during the event
Carriage Rides Sponsor- SOLD
-Sign with logo and QR code on back of carriage
-Sign with logo and QR code at carriage pick-up location
- Logo on banner on stage of Christmas Walk
-Logo will be on the Shaw Media special section sponsor page(5,150 printed)
-Business name listed in Holiday House Tour ticket
-Logo with link to website on Christmas Walk/House tour page on website (21,400 visits in2024)
-Social media mentions up to and during the event
Courthouse Lawn Light Display Sponsor
-Sign with logo and QR on courthouse lawn for month of December
-Sponsorship announced onstage
-Logo will be on the Shaw Media special section sponsor page(5,150 printed)
-Logo on banner on Christmas Walk stage
-Logo with link to website on Christmas Walk/House tour page on website (21,400 visits in2024)
-Social media mentions up to and during the event
Chestnut Sponsor-SOLD
-Logo Banner on stage of Christmas Walk
-Logo on chestnut bag
-Sign with logo and QR code in front of business
-Logo will be on the Shaw Media special section sponsor page (5,150 printed)
-Logo with link to website on Christmas Walk/House tour page on website (21,400 visits in2024)
-Social media mentions up to and during the event