
Geneva Christmas Walk and House Tour Sponsorships

Picture of Geneva Christmas Walk and House Tour Sponsorships
Our annual Christmas Walk begins Christmas in Geneva with the arrival of Carolers, Santa Lucia and Santa Claus. The courthouse lawn becomes illuminated with lights, our Great Tree and we wish for HOPE for the season. Among the twinkling lights and fresh greenery lined streets you will find downtown Geneva to be a holiday destination overflowing with comfort and charm. For the Holiday House Tour, enjoy five lovely, exquisite Geneva homes decorated in holiday splendor by local decorators. The Christmas Walk will be held on Friday, December 5, 2025. The Holiday House Tour is December 5-6, 2025.
Presenting Sponsor of the Geneva Christmas Walk and Holiday House Tour-SOLD
-Business name listed as sponsor in press releases -Banner on stage of Christmas Walk -1/2 page ad in Shaw Media’s Special Section (5,150 printed) -1/2 page ad in Shaw Media’s email -Sponsorship announced onstage -Logo will be on the Shaw Media special section sponsor page(5,150 printed) -Business name listed in Holiday House Tour ticket -Logo with link to website on Christmas Walk/House tour page on website (21,400 visits in2024) -Social media mentions up to and during the event
Great Tree Sponsorship-SOLD
-Sign with logo and QR code near the "Great Tree" -Logo on banner on stage of Christmas Walk -Opportunity to speak on stage on Christmas Walk night -1/2 page ad in Shaw Media’s Special Section (5,150 printed) -1/2 page ad in Shaw Media’s email -Sponsorship announced onstage -Logo will be on the Shaw Media special section sponsor page(5,150 printed) -Logo with link to website on Christmas Walk/House tour page on website (21,400 visits in2024) -Social media mentions up to and during the event
Inspiration of "Hope" Sponsor
-Sign with logo and QR code by "Hope" sign -Banner on stage of Christmas Walk -1/2 page ad in Shaw Media’s Special Section (5,150 printed) -1/2 page ad in Shaw Media’s email -Sponsorship announced onstage -Logo will be on the Shaw Media special section sponsor page(5,150 printed) -Logo with link to website on Christmas Walk/House tour page on website (21,400 visits in2024) -Social media mentions up to and during the event
Santa's Little Helpers Sponsor
-Decal with business name and QR code on window of Santa's workshop -Logo will be on the Shaw Media special section sponsor page(5,150 printed) -Logo with link to website on Christmas Walk/House tour page on website (21,400 visits in2024) -Ornament with business name on Santa's Christmas tree -Social media mentions up to and during the event
Co-House Sponsor
-Signs at event with QR code and logo -Logo will be in the Shaw Media special section -Business name listed in the holiday house tour ticket -Logo with link to website on the holiday house tour page on -Social media mentions up to and during the event
Holiday Music Sponsor
-Signs with logo and QR code on the courthouse lawn the month of December -Logo on banner in Christmas Walk stage -Logo in the Shaw Media special section -Option to put item in the swag bag -Logo on the Christmas Walk/House Tour page on -Social media mentions up to and during the event
Santa Workshop Sponsor-SOLD
-Banner on stage of Christmas Walk -Sign with logo in Santa's workshop -Provide goodie bags with promotional items -Logo will be on the Shaw Media special section sponsor page(5,150 printed) -Logo with link to website on Christmas Walk/House tour page on website (21,400 visits in2024) -Social media mentions up to and during the event
Carriage Rides Sponsor- SOLD
-Sign with logo and QR code on back of carriage -Sign with logo and QR code at carriage pick-up location - Logo on banner on stage of Christmas Walk -Logo will be on the Shaw Media special section sponsor page(5,150 printed) -Business name listed in Holiday House Tour ticket -Logo with link to website on Christmas Walk/House tour page on website (21,400 visits in2024) -Social media mentions up to and during the event
Courthouse Lawn Light Display Sponsor
-Sign with logo and QR on courthouse lawn for month of December -Sponsorship announced onstage -Logo will be on the Shaw Media special section sponsor page(5,150 printed) -Logo on banner on Christmas Walk stage -Logo with link to website on Christmas Walk/House tour page on website (21,400 visits in2024) -Social media mentions up to and during the event
Chestnut Sponsor-SOLD
-Logo Banner on stage of Christmas Walk -Logo on chestnut bag -Sign with logo and QR code in front of business -Logo will be on the Shaw Media special section sponsor page (5,150 printed) -Logo with link to website on Christmas Walk/House tour page on website (21,400 visits in2024) -Social media mentions up to and during the event