About Us
Limelight Educational Arts Foundation looks to fund awareness and creativity of the arts and how they enhance the human experience from the day to day routine, to moments of self reflection through both good and bad times, enhancing commumincation, confidence and acceptance & the gift of friendship
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Tracy Adams
LEAF has been a longtime wish as Tracy, working within the arts her entire life, sees their vital importance to people of all ages, gaining many benefits both physically, mentally and emotionally, when they participate creatively. Additionally, the arts have a place culturally in the community for the onlooking audience to participate remotely too. Limelight Educational Arts Foundations was set up as a 501(c)3 organization to help support the expense of presenting stage shows, create opportunities for those with financial challenges to participate, and ultimately develop scholarships. Donations, sponsorships and grants are welcomed and sincerely appreciated in LEAF's quest of Sharing the Limelight.